Chandler Bramlett

E. Chandler Bramlett, FACHE

The distinguished career of healthcare administrator Chandler Bramlett has spanned five decades. Colleagues consider Mr. Bramlett a visionary who has demonstrated exceptional management skill by anticipating and addressing trends in healthcare. He currently serves as President/CEO of Infirmary Health System, the parent company of Mobile Infirmary Medical Center. During his twenty seven year tenure, Infirmary Health System has grown from a single acute care hospital to become the largest not for profit healthcare delivery system in the Gulf Coast region.

To address public health concerns, Mr.Bramlett has spearheaded the infusion of millions of dollars from the Infirmary Foundation to public health programs. Deeply involved in the surrounding community, Chandler Bramlett has played an important role in establishing the public school nurse program along with the recently opened Victory Health Partners’Clinic for the uninsured.